"Riverdale" is an American television series based on the characters from the Archie Comics. The series begins with a mysterious death in the town of Riverdale, which sets off a series of dramatic events and revelations. It is set in the fictional town of Riverdale, which is characterized by its duality of apparent idyll and underlying darkness. At first glance, the town seems like a typical, quiet American town with charming homes, a picturesque main street and a close-knit community. However, beneath the surface lie many secrets and dark intrigues.
The series features the following characters: Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge and Jughead Jones.
KJ Apa plays stars Archie Andrews, an athletic and musical teenager struggling with personal ambitions and romantic complications. Apa, originally from New Zealand, got his break with this role and has since become a well-known face in television.
Cole Sprouse plays Jughead Jones, a cynical and introspective writer who documents the events of Riverdale. Sprouse, who was already known as a child actor for his role in "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody".
Luke Perry played Fred Andrews, Archie's father and one of the moral anchors of the series. Perry, known for "Beverly Hills, 90210", brought an authentic warmth and depth to his role. His unexpected death in 2019 was a great loss to the cast and fans.
The series first premiered on January 26, 2017. To date, there have been seven seasons of "Riverdale" broadcast.
More information at: TMDB