"Black Book" is a 2006 Dutch film directed by Paul Verhoeven. The film is a war drama set during the Second World War and tells the story of the young Jewish singer Rachel Stein, played by Carice van Houten.
In "Black Book" Rachel loses her family in a Nazi attack and joins the resistance. She takes the name Ellis de Vries and infiltrates the German occupation forces.
"Black Book" was released internationally as "Black Book" and received a lot of attention and praise outside the Netherlands. The film was screened at several film festivals, including the prestigious Venice Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival, where it was positively received by critics and audiences.
"Black Book" was praised for its strong acting performances, especially that of Carice van Houten, and the direction of Paul Verhoeven. The film was also appreciated for its complex story and the way it depicted the horrors of World War II.
The film received several nominations and awards, including a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Language Film . The success of "Black Book" contributed to the reputation of the Dutch film industry on the world stage.
More information at: TMDB