B100 is dragged along by the boat
Bassie & Adriaan: De Geheimzinnige opdracht 1992 - 284 locationsEpisode 8: Op 42.195 meter (Griekenland 🇬🇷)
Bassie and Adriaan make a sailing trip at 42195 meters around Athens to find the package. They visit various islands that they encounter on their journey. When they are anchored for a while and discuss where they are going, B100 dives to the boat and ties a rubber boat to the boat so that he can follow them. However, that goes wrong, B100 does not tie the rope to the rubber boat but to his hands. He is dragged along as soon as the boat starts sailing. These recordings were made off the coast of the island of Poros near a small beach.
View all locations in the collection Bassie en Adriaan.