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More locations from Bassie & Adriaan: De Geheimzinnige opdracht

We passed several locks of the Rio Douro
Bassie, we will go to Porto with one of these boats
The mouth of the truth
This is the ideal hiding place, the police will never find me here
The pannenkoeken restaurant (Café de l'Ouest) ''Dos Calvados''
The tower where the day is taken care of at night
The castle you can walk to at low tide
Dublin airport
B & A are in Rotterdam and receive a new assignment
The introduction to the mysterious client
Bassie & Adriaan receive a letter and 2 scooters in Italy
The largest lock on the Rio Douro
Bassie & Adriaan get out of the taxi in Rome
After three hours of paddling we reached our final destination
That bridge looks like the Eiffel Tower
The little Mermaid
The Atomium in Brussels
The christening of the Viking ship
The Laval railway viaduct
Run Bassie, I know a way to get rid of them
Bassie & Adriaan walk out of the big castle
That's a statue of Julius Caesar. Julius Racekar?
That was some nice fish
Dome prison Haarlem where the crooks are released
Adriaan gets an idea where the package is
I'm sure I'm lost! I always have bad luck too!
Where have Bassie & Adriaan gone?
The sun and the rain show you the way to the package
We flew over a beautiful Welsh landscape
Driving through the greenhouses with the truck
Flower auction at Dijkweg 66
B100 is on the Grote Markt in Sint Niklaas (Belgium)
Arrival in Madrid, Spain
They walk to their truck
But after a few hours of sailing we reached our final destination
Bassie & Adriaan buy balloons and balls for the ambush
B & A take a walk through the old part of Madrid
Adriaan, stand there and we can laugh
B & A drive down a street with the covered wagon in an Irish village
We stopped several times at a small station
The first scene in Luxembourg
"those gentlemen forgot that barrel"
Bassie & Adriaan are on the Grand Place in Brussels
A fountain (Fuente de Cibeles) somewhere in Madrid (Shot)
Yes Bassie, from here you can see how big Lisbon is
B100 has escaped from the truck and is suddenly in Paris
We can't turn right, that road is closed.
And where he got his ideas for his fairy tales
Bassie & Adriaan are sitting on the bridge in Spanish class
Adriaan doesn't understand the gentleman from the car rental
Lakritze is the word for licorice
We are the Fairies, we are the Fairies
It is very calm now, but this river used to be very wild
Bassie & Adriaan ride in a covered wagon at an Irish house
Bassie & Adriaan are looking for the package with the covered wagon
The crooks block the road with a fence
The HC Andersen Castle in pictures (Shot)
B & A are in a shopping street talking about a bet
Today I'm putting an end to that annoying B&A for good
Hey, look, there's a barrel organ there
Several people gather in front of the Viking ship (Shot)
A street somewhere in Madrid (Shot)
They call the sea there la mer
We like peace and quiet and anyone who disturbs us has a problem
We searched the town of Pesaro for 2 days
Bridge (Pont des Invalides) and the Eiffel Tower in view (Shot)
After a beautiful ride, we stopped at the last station
I feel they are close!!
B&A will help with picking grapes
I follow them from a safe distance on my motorcycle
Bassie & Adriaan walk past a restaurant somewhere in Madrid
Bassie & Adriaan walk past a Belgian chocolate shop
How much longer Adriaan?
Bassie, I bought a map of Europe
Manneken Pis
Bassie and Adriaan arrive in Pesaro
The mysterious client's first assignment
Bassie & Adriaan have arrived in Copenhagen
Bassie & Adriaan walk past a fountain and a statue
They call a lollipop there lutscher
Bitte schön is please, fout is thank you
For example, in German it is zum Beispiel
The statue of Hans Christian Andersen in Copenhagen
We walked past the places where HC Andersen used to walk
I found that Bassie & Adriaan again
Patataki is fries, pagotaki is ice cream
Bassie & Adriaan at the Eiffel Tower in Paris in French lessons
Adriaan, what was the address in that letter again?
Little is crying, laughter is laughter
Un cheval is what a horse is called
Opening shot of the Portuguese lesson (Torre de Belém)
The Fairies are at an old medieval Irish village
That was a really good joke
Has station with the long place name in Llanfairpwll, Wales
There was a barrel organ conference in the town of Linz
Houses in the background from the English lesson
Bassie & Adriaan know where the package is
Couplet and chorus Italian lesson
Bassie and Adriaan walk among the pigeons on "Sol"
Adriaan, was the Loreley located here?
Willeke Lamberti? No, his name is Willeke Alberti
El sol is the sun in Spanish
Por exemplo is for example
Adriaan, my head is so spinning
A TGV train passes under the road near a French village
The round tower with the ambush with the balls and balloons
Adriaan tells the fairy tale of the little mermaid
He just ate one too many desserts and then boom!
Too late, they escaped us again, I always have bad luck
Final shot German Les Koblenz
Kotopoello is a chicken, rizi is rice
paralia is the beach
The European Economic Community building
Pollo is the name of a chicken there, arroz means rice
If you want to order in Spanish, take a look at the menu
Final shot of Spanish class in Madrid
Bassie asks Adriaan what kind of big castle that is
Opening scene of the Portugal episode (Ponte 25 de Abril)
Bassie makes a wish and the cake flies through the air
Oh, just a few more minutes and I'll be with the boss
At the next intersection Bassie & Adriaan turn right
O'Brien's Tower
Bassie & Adriaan drive a covered wagon at a red house
Bassie & Adriaan found the package
Bassie & Adriaan walking on a square from the German lesson
Bassie & Adriaan are on the king's chair or on ''the throne''
Urbino parking lot
B100 sees B&A stomping the grapes through the window
Shot of building from Italian Lesson
Bassie & Adriaan stop with the scooters after Italian lessons
Bassie & Adriaan search everywhere in Brussels for the package
Harry, there are those Bassie & Adriaan
Oh, I have to hang up now, because they're walking down a side street
Bassie & Adriaan are on their way to Caernarfon by bus
Come on, just a few more kilometers and we're there
All memaggies, it's so deep here, Adriaan
Where is Spain located on the map of Europe?
Bassie & Adriaan walking down the stairs in Greek class
Bassie with the castle in the background at the English lesson
The letter in the zoo near Paris
Adrian at the statue of Charlemagne in Paris
Bassie asks people in Koblenz if they know Lamberti - (1)
''ein witz that's a joke'' from the German lesson
B100 calls the Baron somewhere in Copenhagen
and they say there is a ringing sound
In Spain they speak differently (Monumento Alfonso XII)
Street organs from all over Europe had come to Linz
Hey Harrie, that's the town where we saw them walking
Bassie & Adriaan at the Sacré-Cœur from the French lesson
Adriaan thinks the package is in Copenhagen
Bassie sees the suspicious man standing in Urbino
Trap of the Baron
Good morning is goedemorgen
We saw Greece like we had never seen it before
In Greece people speak differently than we do in the Netherlands
Opening scene of the Wales episode
Bassie asks Adriaan if Fairies really exist
In Pesaro we went looking for the package
The terrace with Danny Verbiest on the Grote Markt in Brussels
And we also moored at the city of Koplenz (Shot)
Bassie & Adriaan take the cogwheel train to Mount Snowdon
Bassie asks people in Koblenz if they know Lamberti - (2)
Bassie & Adriaan receive a letter from the musical students
B100 calls the Baron on the motorcycle
Good morning is good morning, good night is good night
Un chanson that's a song
Bassie & Adriaan walk along the water in English class
Adriaan, Gradara is a beautiful town
We inspected the castle very thoroughly
The church from the English lesson
Bassie & Adriaan at the water ''echo'' well in Linz
Bassie & Adriaan are looking for the package and are at church
The dam drives the crooks away
Look for green fields turning orange
The Italian hotel in Pesaro
Good morning is good morning, good night is good night
And you learn the German language very quickly
A boat? A boat? A sailing motor cap!
Calimera is good morning, calinichta is good night
Pequeño barco is a small boat
Pont Alexandre III in Paris (Shot)
Well Adriaan let's go back
Bassie & Adriaan walking in a street past a barrel organ
High place? Then you have to stand on that mountain. (Shot)
The Mysterious Client calls Bassie & Adriaan
statue of Sebastião de Melo from Portuguese les
You can't turn right and neither can you go straight
Adriaan explains to Bassie how many times he has been to Spain
Canción is a song, Niño is a child.
B100 is stuck in the truck to Paris
Bassie & Adriaan walk down the stairs at the National Basilica
And Ein Zeitung is a newspaper
I said keep a little distance and don't turn off the engine
Weinen is crying
a chupa chup, which is a lollipop
In Portugal people speak differently than we do in the Netherlands
Pesaro is a town located on the Adriatic Sea
A few hours later we crossed the border at Lopik
Search near Pesaro, if you are at hand
Bassie & Adriaan drive a covered wagon through an Irish village
I see them driving
B100 keeps an eye on everything
Bassie is frightened by the sea and they have found the castle
soriso that's a laugh
The baron's boat
Bassie throws a coin into the fountain at the Spanish Steps
Hans Christian Andersen's house at Nyhavn 20
One barrel organ played even better than the other
Bassie, there is the park where we are going to land. (Shot)
Statue of King Dom José I from the Portuguese lesson
Adriaan in a square at the Préfecture de police de Paris
Bassie & Adriaan are going to explore different islands
Bassie & Adriaan arrived in Linz at Burg Linz
shot in Italian lesson
All memaggies, it seems like I'm dreaming
The view over the Portuguese capital, Lisbon (Shot)
Bassie & Adriaan arrive in Caernarfon by bus
Bassie sees the name Ghiolman on the boat in the harbor
B100 is back in the Netherlands and is in a taxi (Shot)
We searched the entire Middle Rhine with various boats (Shot)
In Germany they speak differently
The hot air balloon landing site
Adriaan is standing on a bridge for English class
B100 is in the right place, in Copenhagen to be exact
Bassie wins the bet and sees the letter
Bassie & Adriaan are in Rotterdam and receive a letter
I saw another statue
Real Spanish food is paella
B100 has arrived back in the Netherlands and is in a taxi
In the middle of the Rhine, where singing was dangerous
Bassie knows where the package is
Entrance Legoland
Bassie & Adriaan are sitting on the terrace
First shot of Spanish Lesson
Bassie has to sneeze and all the dishes are broken
That was fun with the Viking ship, Adriaan
B100 has also arrived in Lisbon
The ferry to Copenhagen
"Bassie over here!!"
B100 calls the Baron in the red car in Wales
Monument to the uit Restorers of Portugese les
Bassie & Adriaan at the Place de la Concorde from the French lesson
The original statue of King William 2nd
The first scene in France
The terrace of Hotel Bella Vista
But not one barrel organ was called Lamberti
You know what I like more? 2 barrel organs.
Bassie & Adriaan walking through Paris
Bassie & Adriaan discuss the EEG building
Obelisk in St. Peter's Square
B&A find the package behind a barrel of port from 1870
Bassie stands on a hill near the Sacré-Cœur in the French lesson
B100 must quickly turn the car and drive back to the ferry
B100 drives into the harbor, and is just too late and misses the ferry
The crooks swim to the Netherlands
"Karawaki is a boat, aeras is the Greek for wind"
Hotel Bella Vista
I don't understand that, I really saw him.
Bassie & Adriaan look at the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Adriaan in a square at Notre Dame from the French lesson
B100 calls the Baron that Bassie & Adriaan are in Paris
Bassie & Adriaan drive into Vianden
"Adriaan what does the Greek word kaliméra mean?"
Bassie & Adriaan are waiting for the bus
Adriaan is standing on the Pont de la Concorde from the French lesson
Bassie & Adriaan visit an old ruin
1st scene Italy
B100 sees B&A walking on the Champs-Élysées
'There is no demolition here, but dismantling'
'' That's how high the water was in 1658 '' Adriaan about high water
Billund Airport (Shot)
Bassie & Adriaan take the bus through Caernarfon bus
B100 tastes from one of the large barrels of port
Bassie & Adriaan arrive in Lisbon by taxi
Adriaan, do you know how to say good morning in Italian?
Bassie, there's another barrel organ there
With the truck along the Oranjesluis
Adriaan rings the doorbell at the house, but are not at home in Wales
"Can I have Adriaan on your shoulders?"

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Bassie & Adriaan: De Geheimzinnige opdracht | Bassie sees the name Ghiolman on the boat in the harbor | ID: 1816 |