Bassie & Adriaan are on their way to the party

Bassie & Adriaan: De Diamant 1979 - 52 locations

Bassie & Adriaan are on their way to the party and the exhibition and are driving in a city somewhere.

This shot is after the thugs arrive at the castle and the thug boss tells B2 to hurry.

The recording was taken from the corner of Rubensstraat to Gerrit van der Veenstraat in Amsterdam.

View all locations in the collection Bassie en Adriaan.

Bassie & Adriaan: De Diamant
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Last change on 2024-04-02

More locations from Bassie & Adriaan: De Diamant

Bassie & Adriaan chase B1 but lost B1
The circus from the Diamond
Duurstede Castle - hideout of the crooks
Bassie and Adriaan as Starsky & Hutch
The prison in bunker R
The Crooks' Hideout
The crooks get into the car
Bassie & Adriaan deliver the message for the king
Bassie & Adriaan have arrived at the party
Bassie & Adriaan and the crooks drive into a dead end street
So I just went and got a frikandel
Bassie makes a world trip
The criminals arrive in the boat
Exhibition of the diamond Bassie and Adriaan
The crooks come ashore
The cannon with which Bassie and Adriaan escape
Gate of karting
Exposition of the diamond (inside)
The tailor from the diamond
The cave to Germany
Bassie looks at a statue
Bassie & Adriaan run in a street on the way to the tailor
Bassie runs over a staircase to the tailor
Fireworks in the suitcase with money for the crooks
Bassie & Adriaan as street acrobats
Bassie and Adriaan turn around at a bridge
First shot Musketeers song
Bassie & Adriaan run in a street
toboggan run
Bassie crosses without looking out
Bassie & Adriaan run along the quay with the canal houses
Bassie & Adriaan are at the police station
B1 returns to the old Key hideout
Walking over the breaker
Bassie we have a circus!
Bassie & Adriaan are on their way to the party
Bassie & Chase Adriaan B1 to the hiding place
Running through the house
Bassie & Adriaan are sitting on a wall
The rear entrance of the electronics store
The chase on the church path
Bassie & Adriaan run across the flower market of Amsterdam
Bassie & Adriaan are waiting for the party
Let the orchestra begin and outro Diamant
Bassie and Adriaan as Starsky & Hutch
He went to Japan by car
The crooks escape
Bassie & Adriaan drive the kart cars onto the main road
Back from the zoo
An acrobat is upside down!
Bassie & Adriaan and the door in the dead end street
Bassie & Adriaan go looking for the crooks

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Bassie & Adriaan: De Diamant | Bassie & Adriaan are on their way to the party | ID: 613 |